Friday, March 11, 2011

Brookhaven Arts Festival

The 8th annual, 2011 Brookhaven Arts Festival will be held Saturday October 15th (10am - 6pm) and Sunday October 16th (12pm-6pm). The BAF is free to the community and is held on Apple Valley Road, directly behind the Brookhaven MARTA Station. Mark your calendars for this great event! Cory, Jasper, and I enjoyed ourselves at last year's festival, and we're looking forward to this years. 

Hmm, you might think... why are they informing me about an event that is over 6 months away? Well, we'll tell you:  2011 applications are now being accepted until June 10th if you are interested in being one of the 100+ artists featured at the festival this year and spots fill up quickly - so get yours in early! If you aren't an artist and are still interested in getting involved from a planning/set up perspective, the BAF needs volunteers.  It is a 100% volunteer planned event, and there are several areas in need of help, from working with children to helping the artists. For more information please contact volunteer coordinator Christy Murray, Don't worry about putting the event on your calendar now (unless you're an artist or volunteer)... we'll post a reminder when we have more info about vendors, etc. 

The Brookhaven Art Alliance- sponsor/planner of this event, is having a happy hour March 23rd on the patio at 57th Fighter Group beginning at 6:00 P.M. If you're interested in learning more about the BAA or their other programs- this would be a great event to attend!

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