Friday, March 25, 2011

Borders Lenox- Closing!

As discussed in our Pinkberry post this week, the Border's at Lenox in Buckhead has just started its "Going out of Business" sale. Currently everything is 20-40% discounted, with an additional 10% discount with your Borders Membership Card.

With those kinds of discounts they probably come a little closer to matching the prices at, but of course "limitations apply". If history is any indicator- you should probably wait about 2-4 weeks when they really start marking everything down 50+% just to get rid of their inventory.

Many Borders bookstores have been closing all across the country since the company filed bankruptcy in February of this year. There are plans to close about 200 stores throughout the US in 2011. Economists credit the economy, discount online retailers (amazon), and the rising popularity of e-readers (kindles).

I don't know about you, but this doesn't surprise me... similar to blockbuster vs. netflix (and now redbox)- blockbuster just doesn't stand a chance!  It sucks that our neighborhood bookstore is closing, but I'm intrigued as to what will replace it! It's a huge 2-story space (probably around 20,000 sq.ft.) right on Peachtree Road.  Any thoughts on what you would like to see there? I would vote for an H&M...


  1. Don't be selfish, I vote for another whole foods! Or a Trader Joe's. Something to alleviate traffic at that Publix!

  2. Hmm... trader joes would be good- but it's probably too close to their other Peachtree location. What about a Fresh Market??

  3. the old Circuit City space in the same shopping center is actually better space for a "super"market

  4. It probably is, but without the peachtree frontage and small parking lot- it might be tough to get a tenant. Interesting to have both those large spots open! Can't wait to see what goes there.
