Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7 Days! TIA/TSPLOST Tough Questions Answered

Another installment of the Frequently Asked (tough) Questions/Comments regarding the TIA/TSPLOST vote on July 31st, only one week away!

See our previous post for: 

This week's question/issue: What's the Plan B?


  • The fact of the matter is that there is a plan on the table NOW that delivers $8 billion for badly needed transportation projects. If this doesn’t pass, there is no other plan on the table that delivers the same.
  • There is no FREE plan B and whatever plan B may be is 1) not now identified and ready to go in the foreseeable future and 2) will most likely be toll roads, the very thing people are complaining about now. 
  • Some people will say let’s just increase the gas tax. Well, it would take a 25 cent increase in the gas tax to generate what this penny sales tax would. And in this time of high gas prices, I don’t think citizens are ready to shoulder a 25 per gallon increase in gas. 
  • So really there isn't a Plan B, but something needs to be done to address the increasing transportation issues. If this doesn't pass those issues will most likely be addressed with toll roads, increases in gas taxes, and possibly an increase in milage rate or property taxes to support local transportation initiatives. Those taxes voters will have less say on, and less decision making ability on the projects. 
To learn more about the Transportation Investment Act and its impact to our future growth and development, visit these websites:

1 comment:

  1. If this doesn't pass those issues will most likely be addressed with toll roads, increases in gas taxes, and possibly an increase in milage rate or property taxes to support local transportation initiatives. Those taxes voters will have less say on, and less decision making ability on the projects.

