Thursday, March 8, 2012

Brookhaven Bolt- May 19th!

The 5th annual Brookhaven Bolt 5k Race is to be held on Saturday, May 19 this year at Village Place Brookhaven. There are opportunities available now to sign up for the race, donate or volunteer. Registration for the race is currently $25 (until May 13)- course map is below. This would be a great training race for those planning on running the Peachtree in July.

All proceeds are donated directly to Ashford Park Elementary School. The group is in need of up to 60 volunteers on race day to help manage the pre-race setup, the actual race, water stations, t-shirt pickup, and clean up.

If you are interested in being a part of this incredible event send an email to or fill out your contact information on their website at

Monday, March 5, 2012

Kids/Baby Consignment Sale

If you have a little one, or expecting one soon, don't miss out on the 2012 Spring/Summer Kids Consignment Sale at St. James United Methodist Church!

The church is holding it's bi-annual sale THIS Friday and Saturday (March 9th & 10th from 9am to 2pm). Saturday they mark many of the items down by 50% but the really good items go quickly. At their fall sale I scored a foam puzzle mat and a Baby Einstein exersaucer for a grand total of $15. That was about $100 worth of goods for only $15. 

There are also great opportunities for volunteering, which allows for special "preview" shopping on Thursday evening. For more details head to St. James' website.

-Post by local Guest Blogger, Anne. Follow her personal parenting blog Licensed Professional Mom