Friday, November 4, 2011

Sunday Alcohol Sales... Not in DeKalb!

Just got an update about the Sunday Sales vote...

Conspicuously absent from the countywide ballot in DeKalb County is a referendum to allow Sunday sales of alcohol. Senate Bill 10, the legislation that enables local communities to decide this issue via public referendum will not be enacted in DeKalb's voting this coming Tuesday, November 8th.

Our neighboring cities of Chamblee, Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, and Atlanta will be voting on this question next Tuesday. If you are in unincorporated DeKalb, however, the county has yet to do anything regarding Sunday sales.

Boo! It's going to be super tricky to figure out what city/county you can buy alcohol in on Sundays for the Superbowl, but I guess it's alright that at least Chamblee and Atlanta will (most likely) pass the bill. Guess DeKalb doesn't need the extra revenue!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

City of Brookhaven- Update!

Brookhaven Study Area Finalized
The proposal to create a new City of Brookhaven in North DeKalb is advancing, with the Citizens for N. DeKalb, an organization tasked with fundraising for a feasibility study examining potential costs and revenues for the new city, selecting final boundaries for that study. The entire study is due to be released shortly and we will release it as soon as it's published!

We know there have been some concerns with a few of the areas, including the neighborhood of our very own Stacy from StacyEats! State Representative Mike Jacobs has released a statement regarding the issues with some of the areas of the study map. In short, they have decided to exclude Century Center, so we will have to see how that effects the outcome of our cityhood... 

You can visit the Citizens for N. DeKalb Website to see the study area map (left) and read the related press releases and also see a great FAQ. 

PS- We totally apologize for the lack of posting... there's no great excuse for it other than being crazy busy. There has been a lot of great new things happening in Brookhaven lately with new shops and restaurants, festivals, and reviews. We will be trying to get back on the wagon (or is it off the wagon...?) and posting more frequently. It's been a great but busy past few months, but we haven't forgotten about you guys. Thanks for staying tuned!