Monday, April 18, 2011

El Torero

Here's a realization that I have come to today: I don't think there has been a week in my life where I haven't had Mexican food. Maybe, if you're like me, that isn't such a crazy thought. While often times not the most healthy of choices (who are we kidding, it's never the most healthy of choices...) Mexican food has grown to be my ultimate comfort food. Growing up in Atlanta with its large Hispanic influence, Mexican restaurants are never in short supply and I have dragged Malory to some of the best, and some of the worst.  Now I know that most of the Mexican restaurants (including El Torero) would actually be considered Tex-Mex, but Tex-Mex has become synonymous with what people consider "Mexican" these days.  While we love an amazing, authentic taco joint like the best of them, sometimes it's great to sit, be promptly served endless baskets of chips and  bottomless salsa whilst sipping a quite potent margarita that won't break the bank.  After a quite arduous search, we've decided here at Brookhaven Review, that we declare El Torero at the corner of N. Druid Hills and Briarcliff the winner and go-to spot for "Mexican (or Tex-Mex)" in Brookhaven.

Quite a claim, right? Why, you may ask, is this better than (insert: El____ or Los____ or La____)?  Well it all starts with the service and after 25 years of being in Atlanta, they've gotten it right. Their restaurant is structured so you come in, sit where you please, and the waiters somehow have some secret code to determine who serves you and it seems that no waiter is assigned to one table or area.  The result? Constant attention. And when you're hungry and thirsty on a Friday after work, the last thing you want is a chip-less basket or a near empty beer.

From the refilling of whatever it is you needed, it moves to the food.  That's the most important, right? Well they do it right for the price. They have all your favorite dishes on the menu and they are always prepared exactly as you have grown to know and love. One added bonus is that the food to me is always very fresh. The vegetables are crisp, the chicken tender and the beans... well beany. Above you can see the taco salad I enjoyed with grilled vegetables. This is my staple and I've tried it at almost every Mexican joint around town. Too many times have I had brown, wilting lettuce and soggy vegetables. Being a self-proclaimed taco salad expert, I can't say that I've had much better than at El Torero.

Finally, you always pay at the front which I think is a great idea. It's always as quick as you want it to be, but can be a great spot to enjoy great food and drink for hours if you're so inclined. The only drawback to this location is the lack of an outdoor patio, but I can move past that. It's quick, it's clean, it's cheap and it's good. So next Friday night, when your sensible side says "no" but your stomach says "yes", give El Torero a try.

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