Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Crawfish Shack...and the ScoutMob Effect

Before I discuss our experience with The Crawfish Shack (where amazing fried morsels from the sea are freshly prepared and served in another what you might consider to be a Buford Highway staple), some information needs to be shared.

There happens to be a new, great phenomenon happening around Atlanta: ScoutMob. If you don't know what it is, let me briefly explain. ScoutMob scours Atlanta for new and upcoming restaurants, retail shops, etc. willing to participate in a "coupon" of sorts for 50% off your bill, purchase or whatever it is said business is willing to offer. The business, I'm sure, gives some sort of kick back to ScoutMob in turn for the crazy amount of publicity and impressions they receive via ScoutMob's vast email network and social media skills.  Either way, this drives a large amount of traffic to the business. I call this the "ScoutMob Effect".

Whether patrons are trying the new restaurant because of the great deal they receive or based on the merits of ScoutMob's... well, scouting... there's no way to know.  All I do know, is that when a new ScoutMob deal drops, you might as well leave it alone for a couple weeks. Unless of course, you like long lines, overworked wait staff, and overwhelmed kitchens that unfortunately end up producing meager representations of their true talents. People of Atlanta... wait. The deals from ScoutMob are awesome, true, but they also last for months. I know the people of ScoutMob do a great job of selling it, but stagger your visits. You'll be much happier with your experience if you do.

Ok, now that I've gotten that off my chest, let me tell you about a great ScoutMob find. The Crawfish Shack has actually been around for a couple years. Tucked away in a new development on Buford Highway, they have the freshest seafood this side of Savannah (not a factual claim, but I'd like to see someone else try and claim it). Now I'm not going to pretend that I know much about seafood, so I'll let most of the pictures do the talking. I will tell you that we had some of the most amazing po-boys I've ever tasted. Freshly prepared, made-to-order, and perfectly spiced, we tried the crawfish po-boy (below) and the soft shell crab po-boy (above).

And in my opinion, no fried seafood meal is complete without some hushpuppies (below).  There were more in there, but Malory had already grabbed a few before I could snap the shot. After an order of sweet potato fries served up with powdered sugar (interesting condiment, if you consider powdered sugar a condiment...) we decided that we definitely ordered to much food. The portions were plenty and we saved some for snacks later.

We have added this "shack" to our short list of Buford Highway delights. By now, the "ScoutMob effect" has worn off and crowds have subsided but they are still serving up some delicious cajun cooking. Just don't forget - they close at 7pm on weeknights so get there early. It's also on the pricey-er end (especially for Buford Highway). The ScoutMob deal is still in effect so if you have joined the 21st century and have the "app" on your phone, at least give it a try for a discount.

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